

The following “Disclaimer” for Vow Timer together with our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy(incorporated herein)collectively apply to your use of the application and the programs, services, and software it provides. 

Any access or use of this application constitutes a collective and aggregate Acceptance of this Disclaimer, the Terms of Use, and the Privacy Policy. Jointly, these three instruments provide the basis for a mutual Agreement between the user and this application setting forth the rules for administering the rights and responsibilities for either party. Any and all access to and use of Vow Timer is at the user’s sole discretion, option, and risk.

All content, materials, programs, services, and software contained on or made available by this application are for entertainment, educational, and informational purposes only. Vow Timer is not, and should not be used for gambling or wagering of any kind.  Any use of the application to make or facilitate wagers, or otherwise act in violation of local, state, federal, provincial, or national law is strictly prohibited, and the developers and promoters of the application bear no responsibility whatsoever for such use.  You are advised to not use this application to make or accept wagers of any kind.  The Wedding Game, LLC does not warrant the use of this application or legality of any particular activities in any user’s specific location. Laws and regulations change continually worldwide, and it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that any actions or behaviors they undertake are legal in their relevant jurisdiction.

It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that they meet all age and other regulatory requirements prior to registering an account with this application. The Wedding Game, LLC, its affiliates, and/or its licensors, shall not be held liable to users or any third party in contract, tort, negligence, or otherwise, for any monetary or other losses or damages of any kind incurred by the user or such third party directly or indirectly arising from or in any way connected with or in consequence to any use or access of the application and its content, programs, services, or software.

This application may contain content submitted by users that does not reflect the opinions or views of this application, its affiliates, and/or its licensors.  Use of this application by users in violation of State or Federal law, or to facilitate or enable any wagering activity of any kind is a direct violation of this application’s Terms of Use, and may result in suspension of the users’ account, in addition to civil or criminal penalties as determined by the jurisdiction in which the user operates.

This application exists to provide a fun icebreaker or conversation piece at events and nothing more.  Have fun!