In our opinion, it is preferable to announce the winner at the reception, possibly during one of the speeches, such as the Best Man’s toast. This makes the anticipation of the result of the game an icebreaker at the reception. Since most weddings receptions have many people who don’t know each other, the game gives them something to talk about immediately. It is possible to use the app to announce the winner. This method can be used if the game is not being played by the majority of the wedding participants and an announcement during the reception would not be appropriate.
Time starts when the Mother of the Bride is seated. She is supposed to be the last person formally seated before the processional starts. In the event that there is not a Mother of the Bride, time would start at the seating of the last person formally seated before the procession starts. This is usually a well-defined moment.
Time stops when the officiant announces the married couple, as in, “I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Whoever.” We recognize that there can be many variations on this wording, but there is almost always a presentation of the newly married couple at the end of the service, immediately before the recessional.